Year-end school project required that every first-grade student build a drive-in movie vehicle, so that they could enjoy a drive-in movie at school. These students had several weeks to work on the vehicle of their choice. Not being mechanically inclined, the assignment was passed off to Alisha's Dad who is a mechanical engineer for assistance.
Alisha requested for a big truck with a Mercedes-Benz symbol. Her Dad helped with the foundation of the car with actual wheels (the only one of all the cars made) from a baby stroller for the ease of transporting her vehicle like a wheel barrel. In addition, Alisha's truck was the only one equipped with working headlights and a comfy foldable chair...leave it to the engineer! We bought some paint Sunday afternoon to finish the project. Ashley was happy that she assisted with the painting while Alisha finalized her license plate.
Since her truck was one of the biggest vehicles made, she had to park in the back of the drive-in movie theater (auditorium) to watch Toy Story. All the students were given a bag of popcorn, water and candies. According to the teachers, this was the first year of this very successful project. It was hilarious to see the various creations from these students ranging from an army tank, milk truck, race car, jeep, etc. It was a fun experience for all and a great way to end the school year!
This is the coolest thing ever! I can't believe 1st graders need to come up with something like this already. What a cool and exciting project! Hahaha, Mercedes-Benz already? Alisha definitely knows which one to get. lol :)