Legoland is by far Alisha's favorite amusement park. She started going at the age of two and had her grandparents take her to see the lego elephant squirting water out for over five times. We have visited this amusement park at least once a year ever since. Alisha had always looked forward to the Volvo driving school as her first stop. She followed traffic signs and regulations than most of the adults.
Again, the rollercoasters were off limits, so there were bouts of disappointment throughout the visit. However, we were able to divert her attention to something just as exciting to compensate for the frustration she's experiencing. We road in the ferry boat, which gave us a tour of the miniature legos of the major monuments and cities in the world. Alisha sprinted for the dizzy ride prior to lunch to save us the headache of a possible cleanup if ridden on a full stomach. She also studied the park map intently to find rides that are suitable for her condition, so we ended up on several new rides that we didn't visit before.
Our goal was to stay from the time the park opened at 10am to closing at 8pm, but fell short and left about one and a half hour earlier. Nonetheless, Alisha built her minis to add to her limited collection of lego people. A visit to Legoland isn't complete without playing endlessly at the play structure area and the water squirting fountains. Ashley had so much fun running up to the water squirting fountains to set it off, but inadvertently got wet and started whining about exchanging her wet skirt for dry clothing. The girls fell asleep quickly in the car (Alisha stuck a piece of popcorn in Ashley's mouth before passing out) until the next morning...they cannot wait until the next visit!
Girls looks sooo happy there! =)