Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Dramatic Turn Around

September 29 - October 5, 2009

Alisha's disposition has changed dramatically. She's back to her jovial self. Her appetite, unfortunately, did not diminish despite the cessation of the steroids two weeks ago. Within one week, her platlets went from extremely low, to the point of needing transfusions, to the higher end of the normal range. We are all thrilled at the spectacular rate that she's recovering, and hope she will continue down this road with her red and white blood cells.

Last Friday, she had an LP (Lumbar Puncture) and BM (Bone Marrow) aspiration, and we are eagerly awaiting for the results of both. These results will determine her road map for the following month.

Alisha's in-home school teacher is trying to keep her challenged with more advanced math and reading.

Lately Alisha has become mesmerized by recipes, cookbooks, and the Food Channel. She often sits for hours going from one page to the next reading every ingredient, and the directions. She has picked a few interesting recipes, and we have successfully experimented with a few over the weekend, including a tomato basil sauce for pastas and salads as well as a sunny side dressing. all of these recipes are raw or vegan. It was a challenge getting Alisha to embrace this diet at first, but she has slowly come around.